Hey Claire. I finally found the right chat to look at. I was looking at an older version of the above chats and the list above that Christopher made did not appear, instead showing a link that said 404: /${communityhome}/project/goals/search/goaltasks.html
I've encountered issues with OI chat for quite a while. As updates occurred and things changed, links I had no longer worked or I didn't know where to post or look for messages. I just now tried to upload a text file and apparently that is still a bug. And as I am typing, the send button is covering some of the text on the far right.
I'm close to finishing the spreadsheets as previously discussed with Christopher on our last session a few weeks back.
Is it possible to schedule a tech session to at least ingest the five completed spreadsheets, and also to address a media indexing problem? (The DVCam footage test I did worked fine, but the remaining DVCam files are stuck at 20% complete)
About meeting today:
Art showed video ingested with conversion issues, all assets are in status "Imported", with no thumbnail.
All conversions marked as complete, even m3u8 folder is there, thumbnail is there but is not showing due the "importe" asset status
So for some reason assets never got marked as complete even if the conversions were ok.
Next issue is that the Video player for this assets is trying to load the video.mp4 old way preview file, this file does not exist, m3u8 is generated but not being displayed, causing video player fail
These are +10GB files, it is hard for us to get one for test locally (confidential material)
There is only one asset Converted ok with thumbnails, but this asset was ingested before the whole batch of other files, all codecs, video streams looks similar to the others.
Video codec is: DVC NTSC
I can try to find similar mov file to test locally, anyways another meeting is required for earliest next week when Chris is available.
We did not update instance since this will not have any mayor update to performance or solving this issue, we can update next week when all GUI issues are fully addressed.
TODO: Clear empty columns in spreadsheeet import
Dont dont: Folder views clicking cumulative or exact? Setting?
TODO: Expand tree when selecting
Ok: - Clearing old tables from old imports. Just delete from UI
Ok: Move generated media
TODO: Enable doc link
Art / Tae / eMedia - October 29
Resolving duplicate folders and files
Art reviewed the folder structure and identified duplicate folders and files that had been imported incorrectly. Christopher and Charles provided guidance on how to manually move and rename the folders and files to resolve the duplication, while avoiding triggering a full re-ingestion process.
Configuring hot folder scanning
To ensure the updated folder structure is properly reflected, the team configured the hot folder scanning settings to run more frequently (every 10 minutes) and manually triggered a scan. This allowed the system to quickly detect and index the changes without waiting for the default hourly scan.
Exploring lightbox and collection features
Christopher demonstrated the lightbox and collection features, which allow curating and organizing assets in a more user-friendly way. However, the team determined these features did not fully address Art's needs for separating produced videos from other content, and decided to continue with the collection-based workflow.
Next steps and action items
The team agreed on the sequence of steps Art should take to complete the folder/file restructuring and metadata updates. This includes manually creating the new folder structure, moving the files, and then importing the updated spreadsheet. Christopher also committed to following up on the help documentation request.